About dwarka mandal

Brief history of Maharashtra Mandal Dwarka
While introducing Dwarka Maharashtra Mandal, We had a talk with known and available person, Shri Anil Jambekar (Vadodara). He Was President of Maharashtra Mandal Dwarka in Year 1982, he told that The concerned plot was in the name of a marathi widow old lady. Who handed over this plot to maharashtrians available at that time somewhere in 1967 (vide city servey No 16/3547), As per Shri Jambekar when shri  karkhanis handed over the charge of Maharashtra Mandal  to Shri Jambekar  as  president that land was not on records on Mandal . Shri Jamdekar , and shri Sarode (Vice president) took the initiative and got it transferred in the name ok of Maharashtra mandal in 1984.


Maharashtra Mandal Dwarka was established somewhere in year 1955 by some of the Maharashtrian , it was registered at Asst. Charity commissioner  Jamnagar on 18/03/1981 (vide ref.No E/452/) Jamnagar. The prominent names in committee members available as per records with Charity comm.jamnagar are as follow. Shri S.B.Karkhanis, Shri Phanse, Shri D.B. Mahadik, Shri S.A. Chouhan , Shri R.M.Ambegavkar , Shri P.V.Parulkar, Shri R.M. Khatvkar , Shri H.B.Vaidya , Shri A.M.Jambekar, Shri J.G.Sathe, Shri S.P.Joglekar , Shri Shinde, Shri B.R.Patil, Shri K.R. Desai and Shri D.K.Deshmukh.


A regular reporting of elections therein, to Charity Commissioner and on records of Maharashtra Mandal is available up to 1986, which was valid till 1989 as per constitution. But in the year 1989 suddenly ACC Cement Company was wind up and shifted all the staff to deferent places. The last man of the Dwarka mandal at that time was shri Anil M.Jambekar  at Mithapur , who left  Dwarka mandal after handing over the Mandal with all the records . To Dr.Shri Anil Gandhe , Who was residing at Mithapur. Shri Anil Gandhe took sufficient interest and arranged to build fencing wall as well as some rooms during 2002. It was also a point to note specially that Shri Anil Gandhe did not curb the identity of Maharashtra Mandal Dwarka. THANKS TO HIM.


Dr.Shri Anil Gandhe resigned in year 2002 and while going to his home town i.e. Indore. He handed over M.Mandal along with record to Shri G.K.Prabhune, residing at Mithapur. From 2014 It is rented to a NGO named SEVA BHARTI for running a dharma shala with the name of Maharashtra DharmShala.


At that time Shri G.K.Prabhune was serving in Tata-Chemicals. He was not aware of legal formalities of maintaining of trust, so nothing was reported to Charity commissioner Ja mnagar. Shri G.K.Prabhune , was managing the Mandal with the help of Shri Mahesh Deshpande Shri Vivek Deo and Shri Ramesh Padval from Mithapur. It was a difficult task for Shri G.K.Prabhune because all the three were in service and not able to spare time for this work. Ultimately Shri Prabhune decided to hand over the Mandal to any other working Mandal . And accordingly he had tried with Akhil Saurashtra Maharashtra mandal, Bruhan Maharashtra mandal Delhi as well as with Maharashtra mandal Rajkot, but due to some or other reason, it could not work


In 2014 Shri Prabhune contacted with Shri D.G.Joshi (Retired ADEN.W.Rly) and Shri L.D.Waghmare(Retired CTI of Rajkot Divi.W.Rly and member of Maharashtra mandal Rajkot . Both of them took keen interest, studied the situation, available records and find out the ways to make it good without losing its identity as Maharashtra Mandal Dwarka. The most important point in original constitution was ” Any  maharashtrian who does not reside in Dwarka can become a visiting member of Dwarka Maharashtra Mandal”. Taking this base in mind, first of all a list was prepared of nearby maharashtrian persons members


of other mandals of Saurashtra zone , who were highly interested in development of Dwarka . Shri Joshi and Shri Waghmare convinced them and enrolled their names as visiting members and put up the case to Joint Charity Com.Rajkot with a question that:

( In absence of regular members how committee can be formed ? ) and solution ( whether visiting members can be allowed to take care of mandal and its property ?) As it was not possible to vipe off the Mandal, because all the records were available and a sufficient visiting members were available. As a natural justice it was the only way left out ” To allow the visiting members to run the Mandal with due and legal powers of execution.


After a continuous series of queries’ and replies there of finally Joint Charity commissioner Rajkot passed an order in favor of visiting members on 31/05/2016. All visiting members become regular life members of Dwarka Maharashtra mandal. Said orders are now vary clear that any Maharashtrian from any corner of INDIA can become a life member of Maharashtra mandal Dwarka and authorized to VOTE.


Now we become athuarised to form a committee and go ahead towards our goal. Goal was ” to construct one “A” class guest house with a capacity to accommodate 300 persons and three small temples of 1 shri Ganesh, 2 Shri Guru Dev Datta and 3 Shree Vitthal-Rakhumai”


With this goal a meeting of available life members was called on 16/10/2016 at Rajkot and it was decided to select trustees from all Maharashtra mandals having common members with Maharashtra Mandal Dwarka. The names of mandals having common membership were: – 1 Maharashtra M.Mithapur 2. Maharashtra M.Rajkot 3.Maharashtra M.Amreli, 4.Akhil Saurashtra Maharashtra Mandal, 5 Maharashtra mandal Ahmedabad and 6 Maharashtra Mandal Jamnagar.


On 13/12/2016 we formed a committee of 10 Members from above listed Maharashtra mandals.


Now infra-structure is ready detailed building plans are in progress, necessary requisitions are in progress. It is taking a very positive shape; it is high time to say that Dwarka Mandal being all most dead for last 30 years we are really in short of funds. With above status, this work cannot go further without a financial boost from all of you. It is for information that Dwarka Maharashtra Mandal is having a plot of 125′ x 96′ = Apx.12000 Sq.ft area where some old structure are existing. It is planned to develop one “A” class “Pravasi Gruh” with sufficient dormitories and rooms with all essential amenities. But unfortunately we are short of funds. A rough estimate for the execution of this plan is about 4 to 5 crore.


By this letter we are trying to draw your kind attention, and we hope that everyone will agree that a place like Devbhumi Dwarka must be so developed that it will help in serving to pilgrims from all over India.


As we were not sure of our action and results, inspite of our last two years of activities to reform this mandal, we have not taken any donation from any one. To-day we can ensure you that dwarka mandal will not disappoint you. We have opened a current account at State Bank Of India for donation purpose. A/No is 00000036319363616 & The IFSC code is SBIN0060090 State Bank of India Devbhumi Dwarka .(devbhumi will confirm the place in Gujarat) At present we are handling the mandal from Rajkot. Hence it is requested to do all the correspondence on following address